2021i1, Friday: Start over.
A new year. Time to do better.
A new year. Time to do better.
Counting things is important. But not everything that matters can be counted…
Without the sustenance of something we do for our souls - even if we're bad at it - we lose something vital to being human.
I cannot, possibly, thank you enough. Everyone who wrote to me, commented, or otherwise made contact following that thing I wrote a while ago. You are blessings, every single one. Some said it helped them think about what they did, and how. Some, bravely, shared their own travails. Some simply
I don’t know whether it’s worth explicitly going for daily posts; or whether it’d be better for it to happen organically. Let’s see how this goes.
Any deal was always going to be better than no deal. And there'll be lots of tall tales (put generously) told about its glories. But so much of this is placeholder...
I've been writing, spasmodically, for most of this year. Now to get into the habit. Perhaps Substack can help.
Recently I tried three, and reluctantly settled on one. After a long chat with the founder of one of the others, I’m thinking again. Not so long ago, I tried out three apps designed for lawyers to handle paperless bundles: to make them, and use them. As I explained,
I need to write more regularly. So I’m going to try to do something – however tiny – every day. And Substack might encourage me. I’ll give it a whirl. Oh dear. It’s been almost two months since my last post. I’m sorry. It’s been busy, but
I’m a serial experimenter with task tracking. But Things keeps pulling me back… It’s a terrible habit, and the GTD crowd (and many other, far more sensible, people) will look aghast at me. But I can’t help switching task tracking methods from time to time. Life at
tl;dr: Not without some pain, and considerable cost if you’re a solo practitioner. But we have a winner. Albeit at the cost of breaking a fundamental rule of British journalism.* It turns out my blog on nested emails struck a chord. Several cries of pain rang out. Clearly
Test and trace relies on trust. Undermine it, and people’s lives are at risk. If the Times is to be believed, companies gathering customers’ data on behalf of restaurants and bars are doing just that. If there’s one thing that the nations which have succeeded in containing Covid