2021i25, Monday: Sticking the landing.
Approaching the last episode of a long-running TV show is terrifying. Will it be a TNG - or a BSG? A fitting end or a final insult?
Approaching the last episode of a long-running TV show is terrifying. Will it be a TNG - or a BSG? A fitting end or a final insult?
It's Friday. It's been a long week. So seriousness can go hang.
Translation: delicious beyond belief. My favourite Japanese delivery place has gone national. And a smart and luminous way of adding randomness.
Again, a quick hit because I'm in court later this morning. But this one's for lovers of octopuses everywhere.
In court for a 10 day hearing at the moment. So again I'll be brief. A wrenching judgment, and a lovely bit of writing about a friendly neighbourhood hero.
Why do most iPad cases only do landscape? And bookshelves to die for.
Vaccination - mandatory or not? Wise words from the Family Division. And the bell tolls for mainstream specialist legal journalism.
Sorry. Have to prep for next week's trial. Cat pic ok with everyone?
Yes, I know. A staggeringly arrogant title. But we lawyers have to get through huge piles of stuff. And finding ways to curate the pile is a genuine bonus.
Or maybe it just doesn't like me; but there's a solution. And Octavia Butler is glorious.
Again, it's a busy week. So two quick hits: a potential AML game-changer, and catnip for Apple geeks.
These notes may be brief this week. I'm in a hearing Monday to Thursday, and daughter's (initially remote) school is restarting tomorrow. So I'll focus on SIROTI, with other things when I can.